What We Do - Housekeeping SystemsPertl & Alexander LLC evaluates existing housekeeping systems and designs new housekeeping layouts.
We review efficiency and cost-effectiveness for existing housekeeping facilities by examining the physical layout, staffing patterns, equipment, operating procedures, inventory levels and work-flow. Our final analysis provides detailed recommendations. 2) Feasibility Analysis When it comes to deciding whether to operate its own housekeeping programs or whether to contract with an outsourced supplier, we have the experience and expertise to assist clients to make the best decision for individual circumstances. Our feasibility analysis considers all of the important economic factors. We qualify all of the data, uncover any unforeseen liabilities and organize the information, along with our recommendations, so that clients make the best decisions for their business operation. 3) System Design and Preparation of Plans and Specifications We design complete housekeeping systems. Working within the specific requirements of each client's operation, and aiming always for the most efficient use of available space, we provide detailed plans for all housekeeping areas. This includes chemical and bulk storage rooms, floor closets, uniform issue rooms and alteration areas. 4) Bid Process Our professionals publish complete tender packages, including all plans and specifications for the work to be performed. We thoroughly investigate major equipment suppliers and make informed recommendations relative to approving and qualifying recommended bidders. We also make recommendations regarding their bids and drawings enabling clients to make the best final decision. By providing generic, performance-based specifications that more than one qualified bidder can meet, we level the playing field. This allows clients to identify and receive the greatest value from the bid process. 5) Inspections We provide quality control inspections to qualify the performance of housekeeping systems. 6) Management Consulting We maintain close affiliations with leading experts in the field of housekeeping design and management. We draw on these professional resources, as necessary, to guarantee that new systems prove to everything needed to keep each client's house in order. 7) Training Our expert trainers provide the most relevant, hands-on, practical production training available, ensuring the establishment of best practices. 8) Reports We provide written reports detailing our observations and recommending appropriate action steps and long-term strategies. Our reports may include drawings and specifications to assist in implementing needed changes. 9) Development of Housekeeping Manual We prepare manuals carefully tailored to client operations, including detailed procedures and applicable principles of housekeeping design, as well as specifications to be used by architects in planning for space allocations and proper management. Our manuals enable clients to train employees to perform preliminary phases of design work and supervise ongoing, day-to-day operations.